Buying and Selling Leasehold and Freehold Property

Sale Conveyancing Charges

Our fees cover all the work required to complete the sale of your property. We do not make any additional charges for redeeming your mortgage (unless Help to Buy mortgage) nor do we charge any additional fees for property’s that may not yet be registered at HM Land Registry.

It is difficult to give a definite timescale for completion of the matter, but we normally advise that a residential sale transaction should complete within approximately eight to ten weeks.

This is of course dependent upon the Buyer and any involved chain. However due to the Firms pro-active nature we will ensure that your matter is dealt with as smoothly, efficiently and quickly as possible.

The fees for the sale of a property up to the value of £950,000.00 are between £700.00 plus VAT and £1100.00 plus VAT with the average cost being £750.00 plus VAT. Please note there will be additional charges in the sum of £100.00 plus VAT if the property is leasehold.

If the sale of your property involves the redemption of a Government Shared Equity Loan our fee for acting in this respect is £150.00 plus VAT. Please note there may be additional administration fees payable directly to the Shared Equity company.

Disbursement Costs

Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties such as Bank fees, Estate Agents fees and Land Registry costs.
The usual disbursements in relation to a sale transaction are set out in the table below however this is not an exhaustive list as there are certain disbursements that will be payable depending upon the individual transaction.

To ensure the smooth running of your sale we will handle payment of the disbursements on your behalf and will always notify you of any additional disbursements upon receipt.

  • Case Management Fee

  • Bank Transfer

  • Office Copies

    £6.00 – 15.00
  • Estate Agent Fee

    As Agreed
  • Anti Money Laundering Search

    £12.60 (per name)

No sale No fee

We are all too familiar with the term “gazumping” and sadly when this does happen and your Buyer pulls out you will still be charged for the work undertaken on the file to the point of cancellation.

Elliott Bridgman Solicitors offer a “No Sale No Fee” service and for an additional payment of £125 plus VAT should the sale fall through we will waive any cancelled legal fees (excluding disbursement costs). Please contact a member of the team to discuss this fantastic service.

Additional Costs

Every transaction is individual and therefore it is impossible to be able to provide a list of additional costs for every eventuality. However, in our experience the following matters can give rise to additional costs and expenses:

  • Indemnity Insurance policies – These are very often required in Sale transactions and are used to cover a number of issues such as defective legal title, missing information, lack of planning permission or building regulation approvals. At the point it becomes evident that such policies are required we will contact you to advise the cost of the policy and then provide you with the relevant Demands and Needs statements in relation to such policy. Each policy has a different cost, usually between £20 – £150.
  • Title Issues – Unfortunately some sale transactions do present complex issues requiring a need for additional time to be spent on your file or for legal documents to be drawn up. As soon as it becomes evident your matter has become more complex and additional documents are required we will immediately inform you and provide you with a further quotation for your approval before proceeding to undertake any additional work.
  • Leasehold Information Packs – When selling a Leasehold property you will be required to provide the Buyers solicitors with the Landlord/Managing Agents Standard Leasehold Information Pack or Form LPE1. There is always a charge made by the Managing Agents/Freeholder in respect of supplying this information and the costs are all different. We will liaise with the Managing Agents to establish this cost and then inform you of it before any request is made for the information.
  • Leasehold fees – When selling a property there may be conditions in the Lease that impose charges upon sellers. We will ascertain any charges in this respect and advise you of them.

What Can I Expect

We all know that Selling and Buying a Property can be a stressful experience. Our aim at Elliott Bridgman is to make the process for you as smooth and quick as possible keeping both you and all parties in the chain fully informed at all times. Our Department prides itself on its high level of customer service and pro-active nature.

The precise stages involved in the sale of a residential property vary according to circumstances however below are some key stages in relation to the sale process:

  1. Receive your instructions, open and file and send the questionnaires to you for completion.
  2. Issues concerning the validity of Wills
  3. Prepare and issue the draft contract and supporting documentation to the Buyers solicitors.
  4. Receive enquiries from the Buyers solicitors and forward them to you for your assistance in replying.
  5. Reply to all enquiries.
  6. Agree completion dates.
  7. Exchange Contracts and legally formalise the completion date.
  8. Completion – Receive sale monies from the Buyers solicitors, pay any mortgages, estate agents fees and our bill and send the proceeds of sale to your nominated account by close of business on day of completion where possible.


Purchase Conveyancing Charges

Our fees cover all the work required to complete the purchase of your property. We do not make any additional charges for acting as your tax agent in relation to the payment of stamp duty nor do we charge any additional fees for acting on behalf of your mortgage lender.

It is difficult to give a definite timescale for completion of the matter, but we normally advise that a residential purchase transaction should complete within approximately eight to ten weeks. This is of course dependent upon the Seller and any involved chain. However, due to the Firms pro-active nature we will ensure that your matter is dealt with as smoothly, efficiently and quickly as possible.

The fees for the purchase of a property up to the value of £950,00.00 are between £800.00 plus VAT and £1350.00 plus VAT with the average cost being £850.00 plus VAT. Please note there will be additional charges in the sum of £100.00 plus VAT if the property is leasehold.


Disbursement Costs

Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties such as Bank fees, Searches and Land Registry costs. The usual disbursements in relation to a purchase transaction are set out in the below table however this is not an exhaustive list as there are certain disbursements that will be payable depending upon the individual transaction.

To ensure the smooth running of your purchase we will handle payment of the disbursements on your behalf and will always notify you of any additional disbursements upon receipt. We are unable to confirm the exact amount payable for Stamp Duty as this will depend upon a number of factors however we have provided a link that you can use.

  • Case Management Fee

  • Bank Transfer

  • Bankruptcy Search

    £2.00 (per name)
  • Priority Search

  • Searches

    £330 approx
  • Stamp Duty

  • Anti Money Laundering Search

    £12.60 (per name)

Land Registry Fees

The Land Registry calculates their fee based upon two factors; the property value and whether a postal application is required. A postal application will be required in respect of unregistered properties and transfers of part such as new build properties.

Land Registry Fee
Electronic Application / Postal Application
£0 – £80,000
£20 / £45
£80,001 – £100,000
£40 / £95
£100,001 – £200,000
£100 / £230
£200,001 – £500,000
£150 / £330
£500,001 – £1,000,000
£295 / £655
£1,000,000 +
£500/ £1,105

No sale No fee

We are all too familiar with the term “gazumping” and sadly when this does happen and your Buyer pulls out you will still be charged for the work undertaken on the file to the point of cancellation.

Elliott Bridgman Solicitors offer a “No Sale No Fee” service and for an additional payment of £125 plus VAT should the sale fall through we will waive any cancelled legal fees (excluding disbursement costs). Please contact a member of the team to discuss this fantastic service.

Additional Costs

Every transaction is individual and therefore it is impossible to be able to provide a list of additional costs for every eventuality. However we do have some set additional administration charges in the following circumstances:

  • Help to Buy Scheme / Shared Ownership

    £150.00 + VAT
  • New Build Properties

    £75.00 + VAT
  • Help to Buy ISA

    £50 + VAT per ISA
  • Gifted Deposits

    £75 + VAT
  • Deed of Variations

    £75 + VAT - £125 + VAT
  • Unregistered Titles

    £100 + VAT

In our experience the following matters can also give rise to additional costs and expenses:

  • Indemnity Insurance policies – These are very often required in purchase transactions and are used to cover a number of issues such as defective legal title, missing information, lack of planning permission or building regulation approvals. At the point it becomes evident that such policies are required we will contact you to advise the cost of the policy and then provide you with the relevant Demands and Needs statements in relation to such policy.
  • Title Issues – Unfortunately some purchase transactions do present complex issues requiring a need for additional time to be spent on your file or for legal documents to be drawn up. As soon as it becomes evident your matter has become more complex and additional documents are required we will immediately inform you and provide you with a further quotation for your approval before proceeding to undertake any additional work.
  • Leasehold purchases may require additional costs to be paid to the freeholder or the managing agents for matters such as Deed of Covenants and Notice Fees.

What Can I Expect

We all know that Selling and Buying a Property can be a stressful experience. Our aim at Elliott Bridgman is to make the process for you as smooth and quick as possible keeping both you and all parties in the chain fully informed at all times. Our team is dedicated, friendly and professional and the department prides itself on its high level of customer service and pro-active nature.

The precise stages involved in the purchase of a residential property vary according to circumstances however below are some key stages in relation to the purchase process:

  1. Receive your instructions, open and file and send the questionnaires to you for completion.
  2. Verification of your identity.
  3. Receive the draft contract and supporting documentation to the sellers’ solicitors.
  4. Instruct the searches
  5. Raise enquiries with the seller’s solicitors.
  6. Receive satisfactory replies to the enquiries raised with the Sellers solicitors.
  7. Upon receipt of all search results, enquiry replies and mortgage offer provide you with our bespoke tailor made brochure containing a property report and all relevant information in relation to the property you are purchasing together with all documents for signing.
  8. Discuss suggested completion dates.
  9. Request deposit monies from you which can be paid by direct transfer.
  10. Exchange Contracts and legally formalise the completion date.
  11. Completion – Receive sale monies from the Buyers solicitors, pay any mortgages, estate agents fees and our bill and send the proceeds of sale to your nominated account by close of business on day of completion where possible.
  12. Register your ownership of the property together with any mortgage at HM Land Registry.


Elliott Bridgman Solicitors
Suite 3, Grove House
8 St. Julian’s Friars


Elliott Bridgman Solicitors
66-70 Court Street
Madeley, Telford


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